Tuesday 8 June 2010

Prisoners converting to islam for the easy life

If you were in prison, why might you decide to convert to Islam?
A cushier life and nicer grub, according to the to the sun today.
This is according to a report published today from the chief inspector of prisons, to explain why inmates in many jails in England and Wales decide to embrace islam while behind bars.
In a claim made to BBC'5 Donal MacIntyre in march by a anonymous prison officer that,
" young inmates were been forced to convert in order to get protection from a Muslim gang rather than follow the faith" Would also sum up pretty well the amount of converts to islam aswell as the "superior food" and extra time for "unsupervised prayers" among other benefits.
According to home office research, Around 30% of Muslim inmates are converts and most of those converted tend to be black rather than asian. In 1999, it was found that 37% of Muslim male prisoners were black compared with 7% of those in the wider population.
In general less than 1% of Black Caribbeans are Muslims but in jail the figure is almost 19%.
11% of prisoners in Britain describe themselves as muslim. Considering the religion only represents 3% of the British population a very high proportion of prisoners are muslims.
Also true is that Muslims are more likely to be unemployed or economically inactive than those in any other religious group.