Monday 7 June 2010

No Inquiry into 7/7 Bombings in Order to Protect Muslims from criticism

There was no official inquiry into the 7/7 Islamist terrorist attacks in London because the Government took a deliberate decision to protect the Muslim community from scrutiny, it has been revealed.
A series of documents released by the Home Office shows that senior civil servants and government officials agreed on the conspiracy of silence in order not to draw attention to the reasons why Muslims in Britain would commit such attacks.
According to the papers released under a Freedom of Information Act request, Home Office permanent secretary Sir John Gieve wrote in a paper sent to then Home Secretary Charles Clarke that upsetting Muslims would be a "potential cost" of ministers agreeing to demands for a full inquiry.
Mr Clarke agreed and a public inquiry was never held, allowing the Government and the Muslim community to avoid the obvious question of why the attack took place.
Instead, the Government issued a “timeline” report of the attacks, diverting attention away from the causes of the Muslim behaviour.
This was exactly the same tactic employed in America following the 9/11 terrorist attacks: the “investigation” focussed merely on the events themselves and not the reason why a group of Egyptians would seek to attack New York’s World Trade Centre