
Council spends £150,000 so muslim graves can face Mecca.

Another local authority pandering to the local muslim community. No suprises there then.
Anti-Terrorism CCTV cameras in muslim areas, proves BNP position right
Anti-terrorism CCTV cameras in the Muslim areas in Birmingham has confirmed the BNP is right in it's explanation of the cause of terrorism in Britain
The British National Party has pointed out in the past that mass immigration and biased British foreign policy would cause a rise in home born British islamic terrorists.
The CCTV cameras have been installed in Washwood Heath and Sparkbrook at a cost of £3 million.
The 150 cameras consist of a combination of automatic number plate reading cameras and sophisticated tracking devices which are still classified, and at least 40 of the 150 cameras are classified as "covert" which means they are hidden from public view.


The Freedom party, which has campaigned for ending the "Islamic invasion", is expected to double its representation in the Dutch parliament, giving it enough seats to become a potential ruling coalition candidate.
The party, which currently holds 9 seats, is predicted to double the amount to 18.

Led by MP Geert Wilders, the party claims that 40 per cent of social security payments go to non-Western immigrants and that people of Moroccan origin are suspected of committing crime five times more often than the indigenous Dutch.

"Every day we are confronted with mass immigration: headscarves, burqas, minarets, social security dependence, crime ... it never ends," he laments as dramatic music plays in the background of the clip released ahead of June 9 parliamentary elections.
"Whole neighbourhoods are being Islamised." says Mr Wilders.

Most people in Britain link Islam with extremism and the repression of women, a survey has found.
The online YouGov poll just under 60% of those questioned associated Islam with extremism while almost 70% believed it encouraged the repression of women.
The survey of 2,152 adults was commissioned by the Exploring Islam Foundation.
When asked if Muslims had a positive role in British society, just 6 out of 10 agreed with the statement. - wow 6 in 10 need to re-ajust their reality goggles. if that's the case -
More than half linked Islam with terrorism, only 13% thought it was based on peace and 6% associated it with justice.
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There was no official inquiry into the 7/7 Islamist terrorist attacks in London because the Government took a deliberate decision to protect the Muslim community from scrutiny, it has been revealed.

A series of documents released by the Home Office shows that senior civil servants and government officials agreed on the conspiracy of silence in order not to draw attention to the reasons why Muslims in Britain would commit such attacks.
According to the papers released under a Freedom of Information Act request, Home Office permanent secretary Sir John Gieve wrote in a paper sent to then Home Secretary Charles Clarke that upsetting Muslims would be a "potential cost" of ministers agreeing to demands for a full inquiry.
Mr Clarke agreed and a public inquiry was never held, allowing the Government and the Muslim community to avoid the obvious question of why the attack took place.
Instead, the Government issued a “timeline” report of the attacks, diverting attention away from the causes of the Muslim behaviour.

This was exactly the same tactic employed in America following the 9/11 terrorist attacks: the “investigation” focussed merely on the events themselves and not the reason why a group of Egyptians would seek to attack New York’s World Trade Centre. source


If you were in prison, why might you decide to convert to Islam?
A cushier life and nicer grub, according to the to the sun today.
This is according to a report published today from the chief inspector of prisons, to explain why inmates in many jails in England and Wales decide to embrace islam while behind bars.

In a claim made to BBC'5 Donal MacIntyre in march by a anonymous prison officer that,
" young inmates were been forced to convert in order to get protection from a Muslim gang rather than follow the faith" Would also sum up pretty well the amount of converts to islam aswell as the "superior food" and extra time for "unsupervised prayers" among other benefits.
According to home office research, Around 30% of Muslim inmates are converts and most of those converted tend to be black rather than asian. In 1999, it was found that 37% of Muslim male prisoners were black compared with 7% of those in the wider population.
In general less than 1% of Black Caribbeans are Muslims but in jail the figure is almost 19%.
11% of prisoners in Britain describe themselves as muslim. Considering the religion only represents 3% of the British population a very high proportion of prisoners are muslims.
Also true is that Muslims are more likely to be unemployed or economically inactive than those in any other religious group.